05 November, 2008

What do chickens say?

Yes this is getting to be a regular thing isn't it.  

Yesterday after I posted the picture of Diana and the Pizza restaurant, she decided to send it to some friends.  It seems she somehow attached the name of the picture rather than the picture to her first attempt and we received several Emails eluding to a senior moment on our part.  No, I still have some Months before I qualify to join AARP.

Ok so what about the talking chickens.  One of our friends (who knows who she is) said she would just do the chicken dance and make chicken sounds to order a meal so she didn't need to speak Mongolian.  That promoted us to so some checking on an important cultural issue.  What do Chickens say?

Here, (as in, In Mongolia)
Dogs say - Ho Ho
Cats say - meya meya
Horses say - eeehhaaa
Cows say - Umbooo

However Chickens don't seem to say anything.  This came as a bit of a shock to us.  Where in the world do they not know what chickens say.  PioPio, PeepPeep, cheepcheep, Bakkkbakkk or something equally interesting, do local chickens put the verbs first or last or change the endings depending on the gender or case or tense?  We wonder if there is a chance that chickens only migrate to mongolia in their "Post Tyson" frozen state.

Following a long heated discussion on this point we got stuck on the question of what did the "Little Red Hen" say?  Do our children still learn the moral of that childhood classic?  It was from a simpler time I guess.  I saw a Leninesque updated version once, it resulted in the Hen going to Jail for hoarding food.  When My father was young the US economy also had some issues.  Most americans then had a garden but some still starved and many went hungry, many more could have starved had it not been for the "Red Hens" across America who helped there neighbors because "they needed it".  The movie Grapes of Wrath has a graphic illustration of some of the ugliness that came out in people then.  It also sort of glorifies the socialist approach to those days.
  What the US history books don't seem to include is that during those same years several million Russians starved to death.  Sadly there the problem was the government taking all the Red Hens stored food and sharing it with the ones without.  The Hens were the ones that starved.

Do you remember how much canned food your Grandma had in the cupboard or cellar?  I do, Diana's Grandma passed on in 2000, we could still be living on what she had in the cellar.

ok yes he looks more like a Rooster than a Hen.


Rita Loca said...

Ki-ki-ri- kee!

Yekwana Man said...

Mr. Jungle Mom???? And people wonder why I rarely blog. I have also been called Jungle mom's husband.

Sorta like being called the Queen's husband, Oh Well! Why worry about the title when you are still married to the queen!