24 November, 2008


Sometimes things happen that are frustrating.  For instance I can't seem to get the paste function to work from my word processor to blogger.  For those of us who are grammatically and spelling challenged this is a catastrophe.  This is no doubt my problem but still it is frustrating as I have about 45 pages of text to share with you.  Oh how silly of me.  Drag and drop works.  Never, mind.

Here in Mongolia on weekends we have more free time.  We often walk around and look at the shops near out flat or explore for a restaurant that looks inviting.  Both are luxuries.  Near some of the shops where we like to buy food there are two young men who I suspect are homeless.  One has crippled feet and the other seems a little slow.  They often wash cars while people are eating or shopping to earn some money.  As it gets colder washing cars is a not so often thing and they have started asking for donations so they can eat.  This places us in an awkward position, we want to help but we also don't like being followed down the street by these young men asking for money every time we visit.  

When our children were in the boarding school 9 hours drive away where we lived before coming to Russia, I kept a few cans of Sardines in the console between the car seats.  When we encountered the children sent to beg along the gravel section of the only road between the two state capitols, I would give them a can of sardines.  Our thoughts were they could only eat them.  Cash could be diverted for addiction of others but food really has no value other than as food.

We have lived outside the US long enough to know that this kind of thing is more the norm than the exception in cities big enough to have a tourist population.  Still however this is a very convicting situation.  If I tell them I have no money to give them they know I have enough to not miss buying them a meal.  They ask for food and see my hands full of bags of food I just purchased and they know that I am not saying I can not but rather I will not.

Yesterday we encountered them again.  If we had thought far enough in the future we could have planned and purchased something to have given them but we hadn't.  So having not planned ahead we were faced with the hypocrisy.

Here Sardines are not that easy to find and we have no console to keep them in.  We will attempt to find a Mongolian equivalent to keep in the overcoat for next time.

Bayartai  (good-bye)

16 November, 2008

Mongolian pictures

Mongolia is a land full of scenic beauty and a rich heritage.  Here are a few examples of the things you can see in Mongolia.  Ok you are right one is a ringer.  Which one is not from Mongolia?  

If you chose the colorado mountain road you are correct.  Didn't you know that the John, Paul, Ringo, & George were from Mongolia?  Kinda fun isn't it?

13 November, 2008

Balled faced Plagiarism "cut and Paste"

In the last few days some news sites have reported the unfortunate event of a writer for some eastern US news something telling (on camera) European news reporter guy that he was using cut and paste to report on the Presidential elections.  Apparently he had been drinking something other than tea and proceeded to admit to using the works of others in his report.  I am curious how exactly do you report on any national event and not plagiarize someone.  How many ways can you say "The president of the United states of America once again tripped and fell down the stairs of Air-force one."?  Yes I remember Gerald Ford.  Fondly actually, he had the guts to veto anything that he didn't like.  One of the few American presidents Maybe the only one who was both VP and President without ever running for or being elected to either post.  So if you reported on that event which seemed to happen a lot in those days and, say some guy writing for the Podunk Mourning News used exactly the same words to do so, were either of you guilty of plagiarism?  I certainly don't know.  Is that worth taking a poll on?  No I guess not. 

Here is some news of great interest to someone, somewhere, which I have cut and pasted off of the elder son's facebook page.  He spells like me but looks more like Diana's Dad so the implications are clear.  He uses Spelling of words that I created years ago, so thus, he must be plagiarizing me, or, he is, due to the obvious DNA link through the creative spelling gene, my Son.


Today at 3:05pm

de..dee..de..dee.dee.dede.dde.dde..de.dee..de, rip

sorry folks we still do not have the money for a teletype. today in the news, Monks brawl before religious ceremony, yes that is right folks, evedently today in JERUSALEM. Monks from the Greek Orthodox and Armenian denominations were preparing for a ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City when a disagreement led to a full-fledged fistfightAn unusual sight greeted Jerusalem police as they entered one of Christianity's holiest sites Sunday morning: dozens of monks punching and kicking each other in a massive brawl. Monks from the Greek Orthodox and Armenian denominations were preparing for a ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City when a disagreement led to a full-fledged fistfight.

Elsewhere, New nano coating boosts solar efficiency from 66% to 98%. look out there coal plants, looks like you will soon be a thing of the past. 

Rioters were found today trashing the dorm room of one d___ d______. They clame that this will become a monthly event until dave finishes the smash hit "world peace." D____ who was not at the sceen is unavilable for comment. 

Finally, one a______ v_______ has finally changed his diet habbits. He had spent the last year eatting only romin noddles, but has now increased his food suppliments to include pork and beans. and with that we will leave you all. goon night and farewell.

this is the 1337357 signing off.


legal disclaimer (spelling of some words has been changed to protect the innocent)
Many of the words and groups of letters have been used previously by other persons to communicate ideas and information.  I give them total credit for all previously created materials.  I give the French total credit for impossible to spell English words.  I give the Germans credit for Zeppelins and acronymic auto company names.  I have included the picture of Zacki Cat as it adds Class to the Post.

05 November, 2008

What do chickens say?

Yes this is getting to be a regular thing isn't it.  

Yesterday after I posted the picture of Diana and the Pizza restaurant, she decided to send it to some friends.  It seems she somehow attached the name of the picture rather than the picture to her first attempt and we received several Emails eluding to a senior moment on our part.  No, I still have some Months before I qualify to join AARP.

Ok so what about the talking chickens.  One of our friends (who knows who she is) said she would just do the chicken dance and make chicken sounds to order a meal so she didn't need to speak Mongolian.  That promoted us to so some checking on an important cultural issue.  What do Chickens say?

Here, (as in, In Mongolia)
Dogs say - Ho Ho
Cats say - meya meya
Horses say - eeehhaaa
Cows say - Umbooo

However Chickens don't seem to say anything.  This came as a bit of a shock to us.  Where in the world do they not know what chickens say.  PioPio, PeepPeep, cheepcheep, Bakkkbakkk or something equally interesting, do local chickens put the verbs first or last or change the endings depending on the gender or case or tense?  We wonder if there is a chance that chickens only migrate to mongolia in their "Post Tyson" frozen state.

Following a long heated discussion on this point we got stuck on the question of what did the "Little Red Hen" say?  Do our children still learn the moral of that childhood classic?  It was from a simpler time I guess.  I saw a Leninesque updated version once, it resulted in the Hen going to Jail for hoarding food.  When My father was young the US economy also had some issues.  Most americans then had a garden but some still starved and many went hungry, many more could have starved had it not been for the "Red Hens" across America who helped there neighbors because "they needed it".  The movie Grapes of Wrath has a graphic illustration of some of the ugliness that came out in people then.  It also sort of glorifies the socialist approach to those days.
  What the US history books don't seem to include is that during those same years several million Russians starved to death.  Sadly there the problem was the government taking all the Red Hens stored food and sharing it with the ones without.  The Hens were the ones that starved.

Do you remember how much canned food your Grandma had in the cupboard or cellar?  I do, Diana's Grandma passed on in 2000, we could still be living on what she had in the cellar.

ok yes he looks more like a Rooster than a Hen.

04 November, 2008

Pizza and pets

Saturday Diana and I decided we needed to get some new food for the acrobatic balloon fish.  We set off on foot across town in the direction we had been told there was a fish store.  We were walking in a westerly direction. 

Ulaanbaatar is not an exceptionally big city but it is several kilometers long and a couple wide.  After we walked a while we noticed a restaurant which confirmed we were headed in the correct direction.  Diana commented on how much easier mongolian is getting to read.

We were on a quest to find a different kind of fish food.  The internet is a wonderful thing at times and it has a wealth of information that at times seems useful.  We had discovered that some kinds of fish food cause goldfish to have problems retaining air in their neutral buoyancy bladders which results in them floating upside down towards the top of the tank.  We hoped to find a type of food that might not be so problematic for them.  We were successful in our quest and did find the "Angle-fish" store.  As you can see the pets are reasonably happy and mostly right side up, today.